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We are all familiar with the hope, excitement, and romanticism of love. We are inundated on every side with movies, songs, television, and books. Most of us are also quite familiar with the pain, despair, and betrayal of love. We have all, whether we are aware of it or not, experienced the disappointment and heartache of love gone wrong. But beneath all the drama and fireworks of love, there is the reality that is love is the greatest risk we will ever take.
There is no vulnerability without risk. Risk requires us to take a leap without being assured of the landing. Love promises so many wonderful things to us. The excitement of falling in the love, the richness of looking into our lover’s eyes, and depth of joy from a long term relationship. But all along the way, in every step we take, there is risk involved. Risk, in many ways, provides the spark and excitement that illuminates all of our mundane activities. Risk, it can also be said, is wonderful.
If we aren’t aware of the risks involved, or more specifically, the risks we are taking in each moment, we can be taken wildly off guard when things don’t go the way we want to them to. The point of risk, the point of love, is to create scenarios where new life and new experiences can be birthed. The idea of new life and experiences sounds nice, but the reality of this is terrifying.
When we step into love, what we are really inviting is an ever-present connection to loss and disappointment. Risk means there is the possibility of something going wrong. If we don’t know that loving someone or something means the real possibility of loss, then we understand the cost associated with the risk. Most of us want emotional connection, intimacy, and connectedness, but want it without the possibility of being hurt or disappointed. Many of us think we can get the joy of love without the heartbreak of love. And when we get heartbroken, we lash out at life, or our partner, or anything we can imagine to take the brunt of our disappointment.
Loving another person means constantly walking on the razor edge of the conversation between hope and loss. Our hearts are made for this. As human beings, we can’t escape the longing and desire for connectedness and attachment. As many experiences as we may have with pain, betrayal, and hurt, we are always on the hunt for love. Love forces us to face head-long the lack of control we actually have in this world. We don’t like to be reminded of how isolated and control-less we are.
Love is the greatest risk, because we can’t be the same in our relationship. We must face the disappointment of our own lack of control, or turn into such a control monster that we scare away the one we love. As we expose ourselves to our partner through love, we set ourselves up for deeper wounds if that persons decides to no longer choose us as the one. There is no safety and no guarantee in love. Love dunks us into the reality of free will. As much as we don’t want to be controlled, we can’t stand the thought of not being able to control someone else.
If you are in a relationship and are feeling the pain and heartache of love more than its rewards, then an appointment for relationship counseling in Nashville, TN may be of great benefit. Relationship counseling in Nashville, TN can help normalize these fears and pains of love in a way that helps you move into a deeper relationship with the one you love.