Depression Counseling and Therapy

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"People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness." -- Soren Kierkegaard

Depression is one of the most overwhelming experiences a person faces.  It can feel like being pulled underwater and not being able to find air.  Popular portrayals of depression often oversimplify it with the caricature of a sad person who can’t get out of bed and should just try harder. 

The bigger picture is usually much more complicated.  And while lethargy and feelings of apathy can certainly be a part of depression, its has many other faces, such as:

  • Decreased desire or motivation at work and in relationships

  • Decreased interest in recreation or formerly pleasurable activities

  • Loss of sexual drive

  • Difficulty sleeping

  • A desire to sleep all the time

  • A hopeless or negative outlook on life

  • Social isolation

  • Substantial changes in appetite and weight loss or gain

  • Chronic body aches and pains

  • Suicidal thoughts

Clearly, depression and any of its symptoms must be taken seriously and meeting with a therapist for depression counseling is a great place to start. The good news is that, rather than living in quiet suffering, those experiencing these ailments can take pro-active steps towards a different reality. Clinically defined depression and its milder forms can be treated in depression counseling, and often with great success. 

The therapeutic model I employ involves an uncovering of root issues, honest conversations about what is driving the despair, and creating strategies for new ways of living.  My hope is that our work together in depression counseling will enable you to understand depression, loosen its grip of despair, and then emerge into a new life that is full and enriched.