Divorce Counseling

Divorce is a confounding end to what once was full of hope and promise.  It often feels tragic, disappointing, and confusing, especially when there are children involved. It can, however, bring a strange relief, because it closes the book on a season of struggle and frustration.  It’s often made all the more challenging by the unwelcomed and self-defeating thoughts that can accompany it, such as:

  • I failed

  • I am unlovable

  • I’m too complicated

  • I’m overbearing

  • I am now damaged goods

Add in the logistics of learning how to manage and survive life as a single person again—or as a single parent for the first time—divorce can seem overwhelming. As challenging as it is, divorce counseling can also help us find an opportunity to learn to live in a new, powerful, and life-giving way.  This means learning how to forgive, how to trust another, and how to believe in love again.  It means learning how to engage the future with hope and confidence. 

Divorce is a storm, but embracing these possibilities with the help of a divorce counselor is like quieting the winds and charting a course towards new waters. A recent article noted that while the divorce rate continues to hover around the 50% mark, Tennessee, and specifically Nashville, has a higher than average divorce rate.  The particulars regarding why Nashville has a higher incidence are not known, but it is an intriguing statistic given that Nashville has a strong Christian influence and its population has an above average education per capita. 

We will also focus on the pragmatic side of things, such as learning how to set boundaries with your ex, how to co-parent, and how to create a healthy support system.   In divorce counseling, we will engage the loss of what was, confront the disappointment that still is, and walk confidently towards the future that can be.


Disappointment acknowledges what once lived in our minds or in the real world is over and we have to adjust our way of living. Oftentimes when we enter conflict with our spouse, we are unwilling to accept the disappointment of the event, and instead look for ways to blame and agitate and argue. We usually believe that if we can make the disappointment someone’s fault (even our own), then it won’t hurt as badly. Think about how many fights you have had with your spouse and how often you believed that if you could just find a specific fault, then the pain wouldn’t be as bad. It’s sobering to think in those terms.There are so many disappointments in everyday life. The thought of going to the park with your family and enjoying time playing, eating, and relaxing, but instead it’s boiling hot, your child keeps crying, and you forgot to bring drinks. All of the sudden, this relaxing, fun, family bonding time feels more punishment for some previous crime. The disappointment is excruciating. But we typically don’t talk about events like these as “disappointing.” We describe these events as, “the idiot who forgot the drinks,” or “the stupid weatherman who got the forecast wrong,” or “the disobedient child who ruins everything.” We HATE disappointment, and we will do anything to avoid accepting its terms. In order to have a healthy marriage, we must have a healthy understanding of disappointment and its effect on our everyday lives. Disappointment is pervasive, but our handling of it doesn’t have to be devastating. If you notice your marriage has trouble dealing with disappointment, then making an appointment with divorce counselor Chris Roberts in Nashville, TN could be helpful. Chris Roberts is an experienced Nashville marriage counselor who has worked with many couples around the experience of disappointment.