- Searching for Answers in Nashville Individual Therapy
A Gift
Just when you seem to yourself
nothing but a flimsy web of questions,
you are given the questions of others
to hold in the emptiness of your hands,
songbird eggs that can still hatch
if you keep them warm,
butterflies opening and closing themselves
in your cupped palms,
trusting you not to injure
their scintillant fur, their dust.
You are given the questions of others
as if they were answers
to all you ask.
Yes, perhaps this gift is your answer.
I think most of us live most of our lives looking for answers to the tough questions of life. Why do people get cancer? Why do bad things happen to good people? Where did we all come from? How can it be that innocent children suffer, sometimes terribly? Why did my mom put me up for adoption? These questions, and others, haunt most of us. You may have your own specific questions that have lingered for decades, or others that pop up for a season.
There are certain texts and certain groups of people who claim to have answers to these questions. And maybe they do...that would be quite wonderful and relieving. But, if you're one of those people who believe those resources have the answers, then you're probably not reading this article.
Therapy is a place where we can honest about our questions and doubts and uncertainties. It is a place to explore all the things that keep us up at night, or steal our precious daytime thoughts. You don't have to be in a "bad" place, or your life falling apart in order to seek out counseling.