- 3 Effective Ways to Reduce Stress
LEARNING EFFECTIVE COPING STRATEGIES FOR REDUCING ANXIETY IN INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING IN NASHVILLE, TNStress is a common issue most people face. Most people don’t begin individual counseling solely for stress problems. Few people enter individual counseling just on the basis of anxiety. But if a person is having difficulty mediating stress or anxiety, these issues will almost certainly lead to others. Part of the reason people don’t feel the need for individual counseling just due to stress is that stress is a great motivator and catalyst. In fact, many people thrive on stress, and others (unintentionally?) create stressful situations to help them get things done. But stress and anxiety are cruel masters and both will usually demand more and more of a person’s time and energy.This article will address 3 effective strategies for helping a person calm down when faced with stress or anxiety that feels overwhelming or out of control but keep in mind there are many ways to help you deal with these situations, such as the use of kratom, which has proven effective not only at relieving pain, stress and anxiety but also at giving a nice energy boost. Learn more about the benefits of kratom strains and where to get it.DEEP BREATHINGMost people have heard of the concept of deep breathing in one context or another. The truth is: It helps and is effective. The reality is that most people don’t employ it on a consistent basis. At its core, deep breathing is a meditative exercise that asks a person to focus on their breaths and thereby eliminates at least some of the other worries that swirling about in our heads. On a neurological level, deep breathing actually reduces the amount of cortisol that is being pumped into the brain. Cortisol is a fantastic neurotransmitter that gets the blood flowing and the brain and body activated. In moments of true fear and scary situations, cortisol is effective in getting a person alive and activated. In moments where physical or emotional safety is not actually in jeopardy, cortisol blocks healthy thinking and emotional regulation. Deep breathing has been proven to reduce the amount of cortisol that is being pumped into the brain. So, on a biological level, deep breathing is effective, because is makes space for the person to think more logically and rationally.SMILINGThis is a fantastic and silly exercise! Just smile. That’s it! Research has proven that forcing a smile, however inauthentic and robotic it may seem, actually links old memories of fun times when you were actually smiling to the present situation. As much as our brains can trick us sometimes and throw us into uncomfortable situations, our brains can also be extremely helpful in calming us down and giving us clarity. When the facial structure of the muscles in our face take the shape of our smile, our brain is tricked, in a good way, into automatically remembering past experiences when we felt good. The same as in deep breathing, when we are no longer in stressful or anxious states of mind, our cortisol levels drop immediately! You can accomplish this in as little as forcing a smile for 30 seconds. Ideally, you want to work up to 1 full minute and then eventually 2 full minutes, but just giving it a try for 30 seconds will immediately reduce the level of stress you are feeling in the current moment. And it doesn’t even have to be genuine! Make sure to choose dentists who can offer professional teeth whitening services so that you can smile without any form of hesitation.ANTICIPATING FUTURE FUN ACTIVITIESSome research has shown that the level of dopamine in our brains is greater when we are thinking about fun activities, than when we are actually experiencing them! What is dopamine? Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps thinking and rational thought get flowing more effectively in the brain. When there is too much cortisol in the brain, dopamine gets pushed to the side. This is why we don’t think clearly and rationally when we are stressed and anxious! This strategy is awesome, because we don’t actually have to be doing a fun event. Just thinking about and anticipating the fun event raises levels of dopamine in the brain. The more dopamine we have in the brain, the better we can think and focus while also activating our pleasure center in the brain that makes us feel good and happy.PRACTICING IN INDIVIDUAL THERAPYIndividual counseling is a great place to practice these strategies, while getting coaching on the best methods for applying them. Most of these coping skills can seem silly, and at their core, they probably are! But that’s the fun part. Even silly strategies can be highly effective.HELP WITH STRESS AND ANXIETYIf you are looking for help with the overwhelming feelings of stress or anxiety, Chris Roberts at Two Trees Counseling Nashville has experience helping individuals deal with these frustrating issues. As an individual therapist in Nashville, TN, Chris would love to be of assistance to you, or help you find someone who best meets your needs.