- Finding Peace After the Holidays Through Nashville Marriage Counseling


The holidays are a glorious, beautiful, magical time. But once the holidays are over and the cold, dark days of winter set in, there can be a profound absence of peace and rest. Nashville marriage counseling can be a great place for you and your spouse to find hope and healing for the months ahead. In Nashville, it has been a particularly cold and cloudy past couple of weeks. The sun has been scarce and the cold has biting. But the weather isn’t the only thing contributing to a sense of absence and loneliness.Nashville marriage counseling can help a couple rekindle the personal connection between the two of them. Before Christmas, time is filled to the brim with shopping, parties, planning, and preparations. We have to find our spouse a gift, and maybe our children, our parents and nieces and nephews. We have to decide where we are going to spend the holidays, how to divvy our time appropriately, and what we are going to wear. It’s stressful, no doubt. But it is all based on the hope of fun and play and pleasure. Once Christmas and New Years have passed, we aren’t ready for “regular life” to return and our bodies are still processing the joy, excitement, and hopefully relaxation that the holidays can bring.For others, the dread, emptiness, and chaos of the holidays is by no means enjoyable, but it at least provides a reprieve from the mundaneness of everyday life. In either case, once January 3rd or 4th arrives, we are left with messes, credit card bills, and quiet houses. If we aren’t anticipating the quiet and seeming bleakness of this time, we can be shocked at how boring, dull, or routine life feels. With an unawareness of how our bodies, minds, and hearts might be trying to process this transition, we may find ourselves taking out our disappointment on the person that is in closest proximity to us: Our spouse.Nashville marriage counseling can allow us space to grieve, complain, and ultimately, put into the correct context what we might be feeling. For some people, there is a magnificent deficit in understanding why this time might feel so boring or dull. The hope of the holidays does not prepare us for the shock of “real life” that springs upon us the minute friends and family depart. The end of the holidays represents a death, a finality of the way things were before January 3rd. While also signifying the end of a calendar year, it also means the end of what we might have hoped to accomplish that particular year.There is a profound normality to this, but most of us are quite unaware of its effect. If you are noticing your marriage is having a difficult time adjusting to this change, a checkup with a Nashville marriage counselor might be a great idea. There are usually so many thoughts, feelings, and emotions wrapped up in this transition that is hard for any us to get a good handle on what might be going on inside us.   This could be a great connecting point for you and your spouse. But it takes a quality conversation to get at the root of why we might not be getting along like we thought we would be at this time.Chris Roberts at Two Trees Counseling Nashville provides Nashville marriage counseling for any and every couple looking to find better ways to connect during and after the holidays. Chris would love to be of help during this time, or would love to be of assistance in pointing you in the best direction.


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