- How Nashville Individual Therapy Can Help us Identify Our Level of Stress


No one believes that stress is helpful or good or healthy. We all know that stress is a part of life and ultimately unavoidable. However, most of us are quite unaware of how damaging stress can be to our specific situation and that there are many things that can be done to alleviate its impact. We minimize stress. We know it’s there, but we don’t believe there is time to deal with it. In fact, just the thought of reducing our stress can be stressful! Nashville individual therapy can help us identify the key areas where stress is at play and compassionately come up with healthy alternatives to mediate its effects. Nashville individual therapy can be a place of rest and exploration where stress can be viewed as a part of our life, and we can make calm decisions about how we want to handle it. Many of us create stress in one area of our life in order to forget about other areas of our life. Stress creates a context of crisis, and crisis always gets the most attention first. In that perspective, stress is not always bad! Or, put another way, we use stress (usually subconsciously) as a device to put off dealing with other issues.


Many of us need a compassionate voice in our lives that isn’t just screaming at us to slow down and take a load off. If it were that easy to slow down, we would all do it! Slowing down means giving rise to the possibility of other issues popping up. Sometimes, though, the fear of dealing with other issues is greater than the issue itself. Of course, if we don’t slow down and allow the other issues to surface, we will never know which is worse!Nashville individual therapy creates a context where any topic is approachable and available. This doesn’t happen overnight, but it is a lovely goal of therapy. As therapist and client take new and old situations and approach them with kindness, we learn that not everything is as bad as we might fear. Stress doesn’t allow us to do this. Stress says we must deal with this crisis immediately. Because stress creates a context of crisis, we make a living out of putting our fires, rather than dwelling in possibilities.When we can unpack stress and strip it done to its more core essentials, we may very well learn that stress is a coping mechanism we no longer need. We adopt stress of a way of dealing with life when things may be overwhelming to the degree that we actually don’t have time to slow down. There are always seasons in our life when crisis is the modus operandi and there isn’t much we can do about it. But often, we forget to look up and realize that season has passed and we can turn off the red-alert signal. Nashville individual therapy is for those who aren’t sure if stress is running their lives, but they are tired of not knowing. Perhaps we may find that this is one of those seasons and stress is the best way to deal with the current situation. In either case, having a better understanding of our current life can always be helpful in attending to our environment in more effective ways. Chris Roberts, LPC is a licensed professional counselor who has worked with many individuals in therapy dealing with stress and crisis. Chris would love the opportunity to talk with you more about your life.


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