- Individual Counseling for Anxiety in Nashville TN


There are many reasons people turn to individual counseling in Nashville TN. Working with a therapist in Nashville can be helpful to process a multitude of issues in a person’s life. If you notice you continue to worry about the same circumstance, or if you find yourself obsessing over a relationship that isn’t reaching its full potential, then individual counseling for anxiety in Nashville may be a helpful avenue for you to pursue.Even in the area of anxiety, there are many different forms this troubling situation can surface. For a large percentage of people, anxiety takes on the form of getting stuck continually worrying about your love life. Love brings up such a vast array of emotions that it can become overwhelming. Falling in love is one of the most beautiful experiences in all of life, but it also exposes all of our underlying fears and hesitancies about sharing our life with another person. As we get closer to our dating partner, we all of the sudden become acutely aware of our insecurities and deficits. We wonder if our dating partner has seen these quirks of ours; we wonder if its good to keep them hidden; we wonder if we should voluntarily expose our shortcomings to save us the heartbreak of them becoming known before we want them to be; we question and we doubt and we soar and we fall deeper in love. All the while, if we have any tendency towards anxiety and uncontrollable worry, we begin to notice new and scary feelings within our body.Individual counseling for anxiety in Nashville is for ANY person who believes their fears and worries are affecting their life in a discomforting manner. Most often, these anxieties are pushing much needed reflection on our past and our life to the surface. Anxiety can be seen as an ally for us to be more fully who we were meant to be. But, it takes an incredible amount of courage to see anxiety this way. For most of us, we just want the anxiety to go away. We wish we didn’t have the anxiety, and we will do anything to find relief. A Nashville anxiety therapist can help individuals understand that anxiety is not so much something to fear and dread. Instead, anxiety can be turned on its head and used to process other areas of life and personal limitations.HOW INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING FOR ANXIETY IN NASHVILLE TN CAN HELP US LOVE BETTER!We all want to be in love. Whether in our marriage, or with a dating partner, or more fully connected to our children and parents. But to be more fully in love means being willing to transform and change. We have to become more vulnerable to be more deeply in love. But change ALWAYS brings discomfort and usually, anxiety! We can’t have change without anxiety. Anxiety is the body’s protection mechanism to keep from “falling off the edge.” Anxiety says, “Whoa! Slow down! This is a dangerous path.” And the reality is: It is! Falling in love, and being more deeply in love is ALWAYS dangerous. It is precisely dangerous, because it means we will have to change. Change is good, sure, but it is also scary. What if we change and we are worse than we were before? What if we change and people don’t like us anymore? What if we change and we don’t like who we become? These, and more, are all the inherent fears of change.If you are in a new relationship, or are experiencing changing levels of love in your current relationship, and this surfaces as anxiety, it may be very helpful to spend time with an anxiety counselor in Nashville. Chris Roberts is an experienced anxiety counselor in Nashville who can help you process this discomfort and find new ways of living. Chris can also help point you in a direction that may be a better fit for you in your specific situation. Please feel free to give Chris a call and talk about what may be the best course of action for you!


- Finding Help Through Counseling Services in Nashville TN


- Counseling Services in Nashville TN for Relationships