- Not Giving In to Loneliness: Nashville Individual Counseling

References: “Everything is Waiting for You.” David Whyte.  2003.  Many Rivers Press.

David Whyte has a brilliant gift for turning everyday words and thoughts on their head.  He takes our natural intuition of things, and presses us further to expand the unquestioned definition we have of things.  In this heartfelt, and harsh, poem, he asks us to consider all the things that are waiting for us…to accept their acceptance, to acknowledge their presence, to appreciate the connectedness that is available to all of us.

counseling, nashville, tennessee

Everything is Waiting for You.

Your great mistake is to act the drama
as if you were alone. As if life
were a progressive and cunning crime
with no witness to the tiny hidden
transgressions. To feel abandoned is to deny
the intimacy of your surroundings. Surely,
even you, at times, have felt the grand array;
the swelling presence, and the chorus, crowding
out your solo voice. You must note
the way the soap dish enables you,
or the window latch grants you freedom.
Alertness is the hidden discipline of familiarity.
The stairs are your mentor of things
to come, the doors have always been there
to frighten you and invite you,
and the tiny speaker in the phone
is your dream-ladder to divinity.

Put down the weight of your aloneness and ease into the
conversation. The kettle is singing
even as it pours you a drink, the cooking pots
have left their arrogant aloofness and
seen the good in you at last. All the birds
and creatures of the world are unutterably
themselves. Everything is waiting for you.

-- David Whyte


Some of the most difficult parts about depression and loneliness is that, oftentimes, there are small aspects that are within our control.  I emphasize “small aspects,” because there are so many parts of depression and loneliness that outside of our will and consciousness.   However, if we have the strength and ability to look, there may be more available to us than our conscious mind is able to perceive.

Nashville individual counseling could be helpful for those struggling with depression, or loneliness, or even the engulfing fear that we have no one or no thing that wants us.  Individual therapy in Nashville, TN can bring us into greater awareness of the ways life might actually be conspiring for us.  Whereas, left to our own devices, we may feel that life is only working against us.

It always takes courage to begin the journey of counseling.  If you are interested in talking to someone about counseling, Chris Roberts would be happy to talk with you.  Chris has been practicing in Nashville for over 13 years and is familiar with most of the reasons people reach out for help.  Chris can be reached at: chris@nashvillecounselor.net, or at (615) 800-9260.  Let us know if we can be of help!


- Processing our Feelings Before Speaking Through Individual Therapy in Nashville, TN


- On Therapy: Nashville Psychotherapy