- Tips for Managing Anxiety (Part 1 of 10): Remember you have a Physical Body and that's why a weighted blanket duvet cover can help you!
Learning how to manage the physical aspects of your body can help to reduce or alleviate anxiety symptoms.
References- “10 Best-Ever Anxiety-Management Techniques” an article in Psychotherapy Networker magazine by Margaret WehrenbergIn an age where psychotropic medications are readily available for the treatment and management of common anxiety symptoms, it can become all too easy to forget that each of us has a physical body with physical components that can be used to ameliorate and reduce certain anxiety issues. This article is by no means a knock on the use of medications to help with the management of anxiety. These medications are effective and have been extensively researched and proven to lessen the degree to which anxiety can negatively effect a person’s well being.And there are also certain physical, bodily actions a person can use to reduce the symptoms that can accompany anxiety.CUT BACK OR ELIMINATE-If you are currently using nicotine, caffeine, sugar, or alcohol to keep you going, calm you down, or simply to have fun, it can always be a helpful first step to reduce or eliminate these items from your daily routine to see if there is any positive correlation to a reduction in symptomology. While simply reducing or eliminating these items does not usually cause the cessation of anxiety, it a good place to start. All of these items have been shown to increase the onset or degree of anxiety. While doing so, invest more time on sleeping with a weighted blanket duvet cover from http://weightedblankets4u.com/ for gradual positive results.EXERCISE- In the same vein, exercising alone won’t generally be a magic cure-all, if you currently have no exercise or very little in your daily routine, it is worth the energy to invest in working up a sweat. Exercise has been proven to help reduce the effects associated with anxiety.EAT HEALTHIER- Foods high in fat, cholesterol, carbohydrates and processed ingredients can cause imbalances in digestive health and blood sugar levels, increasing the possibility that a little bump in the road could unwittingly turn into heightened state of panic or fright. Meeting with a nutritionist would be another easy step to ensure your body is getting the balance of carbs, proteins, and sugars.HORMONES- For female clients, being aware of your cycle, pregnancy, postpartum changes, or hysterectomy will be extremely important. Every person’s body reacts differently to these stimuli, and each one of these occasions can produce different reactions for the same person. Learning to predict when these circumstances will occur and remembering how they affected your body in the past will all be helpful factors in not being taken off guard by their effects.Understanding that these recommendations will not be revelatory for most people, if you are not vigilant in these areas you could easily be missing some simple steps to proactively ensure that your body is in the best condition to combat the suffering that usually accompanies anxiety.