- What is Necessary for a Healthy Relationship Through Nashville Couples Therapy?
We all want to know the keys to make a happy, healthy, successful relationship. Basically, learning how to have healthy relationships is the journey of our life. We take was offered to us by our parents and we try to build on that model. For better or worse, our parents loved us and we will use that blueprint as the archetype for the remainder of our lives. We can’t escape the foundational stones that were put in place by our parents.When a couple enters Nashville couples therapy, the first goal is to get a lay of the land regarding what each partner is bringing into the relationship. We all bring our narrative from childhood and adolescence into our current relationship whether we are aware of it or not. Getting a better understanding of that narrative is imperative for moving forward in more healthy ways with the ones we love.Nashville couples therapy will give partners the opportunity to discover the ways they love and the ways they fight. All healthy relationships have loving and fighting. Neither can be escaped and neither can minimized. You will fight and you will love. Each partner needs to be willing to do their own work regarding their strengths and weaknesses regarding both categories. We can do this in couples work together, or we can address these areas in individual counseling. Each person needs to know how they love and how they fight, because both will happen, relentlessly throughout a relationship. Just knowing your own pattern for how you fight and how you love will give your relationship a far better chance of being healthy and happy.
The short answer is Yes! The long answer depends on how hard each of you are willing to work. We must be willing to love with all our hearts and we must be willing to receive love with all our hearts. This is no easy task. Usually, we are better at one and severely lacking in another. We must be able to manage our emotions when conflict enters. We must be willing to be honest about our disappointments and frustrations. Although we are all frightened by conflict, we must learn the fortitude and hope that comes through engaging conflict with strength and openness. Basically, we must be able to fight well, love well, and receive love well. There are very few examples of couples who do this consistently well.Nashville couples therapy can guide partners through their current patterns for loving each other and fighting with each other. Nashville couples therapy provides an unbiased third party to see through the emotion-laden conversations these topics usually bring. I believe we all want to love well. I believe most of us have the best intentions for loving those most important in our lives. It’s just that most of us need a lot of direction in guiding these desires down the right tracks of landing with those we care most deeply about.If you are thinking about entering into a new relationship or have been coupled for a long time and need a little help, Nashville couples therapy is a great place to learn how to make the most of the relationship. Just the act of talking about what you want and being open to what your partner wants can be a healing balm to otherwise frustrating aspects of trying to be in a healthy relationship. Chris Roberts is licensed, professional counselor with many years helping couples get the love they want out of the relationships they cherish so deeply. Chris Roberts is Nashville couples therapist who would love to speak with you more about your questions or concerns.